To do: Testing

We got together and wrote a to-do list of experiments and testing we need to do in order to fully secure the feasibility of what we are trying to achieve.

  1. VHS Loops - How are we going to do these? Will it work? How to make the loop sculpturally interesting yet functional
  2. Microphone Waterproofing - What microphone to use, How to ensure it is completely water-tight. Try sending the sound through an effects pedal.
  3. CCTV Camera - We obtained an old cctv camera at Wimbledon car boot sale and have not yet tested it with a monitor to see if it works
  4. Monitors - How to attach the monitors that were given to us by Dennis to VCR's as they do not have scart sockets
  5. Ageing tests - attempt different methods of ageing materials e.g rusting metal and yellowing glass
  6. Test sensors in low-light conditions
  7. Praxinoscope - Design and prototype
  8. Experiment with sound recording - re-recording cassette tapes, recording through other materials/in different environments



An idea for one of the machines is based around an old animation device called a praxinoscope. It involves a series of pictures on the inner side of a spinning cylinder, with a mirror in the centre which simulates the movement of the image.


We feel that it would be great to try and install one inside a machine and encourage the viewer to peer inside and view the animation. At the moment, we have the image of a boat in mind. We will place a small amount of water in the cylinder also to accentuate the imagery. The idea is that it is a representation of escape, the transcendence that our character seeks through his quest for the meaning of these machines. This will be backed up and referenced to in the research visible in the installation room.