Wimbledon Car Boot 3

This time round Wimbledon was the best yet! We got hold of an incredible amount of stuff and for unbelievably cheap.

8mm Viewer

This viewer is interesting because it has a large screen like a television monitor, could be a great bridge between the various technologies within the installation.

Box of vinyl records

Not sure if this will be relevant with this project but a proposed project we have been working on outside of this one involves the gramophone we used in 'Waiting Room'.

Various Books

Journals on Supernatural Topics

Mannequin Arms

Again, we are not sure whether these can be used in this project but they look fantastic.


These will be built into the praxinoscope machine.

Weighing Scales

These could work well with the DIY tools on display.

Magnifying Lamp

We had an idea where we could play a VHS through the viewfinder of the camera and magnify it using this lamp. It would have a Brazil-esque look to it which would work nicely with the bizarre and unnerving environment we will create.