Won this interesting viewer/tele-cine screen.

The way it works is you project into the side of it and it displays the image on screen, a wonderful bridge between the VHS and super8mm we are using. Depending on the quality it could also double as a crude way to create homemade optical prints, meaning we can edit footage and loop an optical print of the results rather than looping a multi-spliced length of film. Chances are though, it will probably not be good enough.

I have found instructions to build an optical printer if it becomes apparent that we will need to do this however, http://www.city-net.com/~fodder/s8mm/optprint.html

This screen will feature in the installation itself as a way of containing super8mm by avoiding large projections and the need for screens to project onto. We realise the space will probably be limited so it is important to keep the piece concise and contained in this way.

Another item won is a super 8mm editor, a Prinz Oxford 800. This could be easily motorised to either rotate a loop, or as we are planning, move a reel of film forwards and backwards in a loop. Again, the screen will work to our advantage within the installation space.