VHS Test

After the boot sale we tried to get the VHS cameras up and running, the Sony which was in the best condition immediately turned out to be betamax (even though I asked the seller and he insisted it wasn't...the thing is called a betamovie, should have seen that one coming!) The two Fergusons do not have batteries and did not respond to being plugged into the mains via a DC adaptor. The one that prevailed and proved its worth however was the most beaten up of them all, a Panasonic.


As you can see from the photo, the camera is covered in muck which looks like mould. It smells slightly of Urine but we have convinced ourselves it is just damp. It works with a deck which is powered by the mains, the battery is dead so shoots will have to be indoors. We did not have any blank VHS tapes at the time so couldn't test it any further than turning it on and watching James' Space Jam video through the viewfinder of the camera. This worked so recording should also...we hope!