Blueprint printing

Whilst I was at work, James and Faysal printed the blueprints onto acetate and prepared the paper we had chosen from Atlantis for printing on. Leaving them to dry ready for us all to print the blueprints.

I was really excited about this process and I feel it has worked very well.

First of all we took all of our designs and paper over to textiles where they have a UV press, which means that the process was a lot quicker than using sunlight. We printed them individually, exposing the paper through the acetate for 3 minutes and 10 seconds per print. Then putting them in a light safe box and taking them over to the specialist darkroom for washing. After an initial test, we went ahead with printing all three in this way and they looked great.

We were always nervous that this process may not work how we intended it too, that the text might be blurry or any other problems may occur. But it looks spot on, genuine blueprints have been created from my crude drawings, which to me is brilliant and a new technique learnt for the future.

the initial test

UV press

washing the prints....almost there!
