Microphones and Condoms

Our experiment consisted of a metal bin filled with water, a 50p HMV microphone bought at a car boot sale, a Fostex tape recorder and a condom. Messy work as you can imagine,

We started by washing out the condom, drying it and putting the microphone inside it. We then tied it at the top so that it was water-tight and dunked it in the bin of water. Banging on the side of the bin, we compared the sound it produced with the microphone both in and out of the water. When it was out it sounded weak and tinny, but once submerged in the water it had a deep, powerful sound with a strong emphasis on bass. A sound clip of this can be heard below:

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

The three of us are extremely happy with the results and we intend to further investigate how we can manipulate the sound with effects pedals etc.