Shoot ideas

We have been thinking about the shoots and batting around ideas on what exactly we could film and have come up with two ideas for two separate super 8mm loops.

The first stems from our earlier research into the idea of three people in a photograph meaning the inevitable early death of the middle person. It will involve a shot of three people, and we will scratch out on each individual frame the face of the middle person. If we can, this could be presented in the shape of a triangle to match the theme of three.

The second is a sort-of side narrative. It involves a cult-like 'paranormal activity research group' who have sensed activity in the area of the room which we are creating. They approach our character one day and notice the blueprints over his shoulder as he answers the door to them. Overexcited they try to enter the house but our character refuses and shuts them out. After obsessing over whether they hold the answer to the blueprints meaning he eventually decides to head out to their camp, which he had earlier noticed. On arrival he finds them all dead from an organised mass suicide in the style of the 1978 Jonestown massacre (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonestown). Why? Our character does not know, however here he finds their bizarre equipment and research, which he steals and tries to decipher their relevance to his machines.

The footage itself will be of the aftermath that our character discovers, it will involve a quick pan of the group lying face down and clearly dead. It should look as if it is the point of view of our character, either footage he shot himself or a memory that is repeated again and again in his mind (as it will be presented as a loop)