Black and White 35mm

We set out to develop the Black and White 35mm immediately, however...when we got into the dark rooms we felt a bit out of our depths having not used the equipment for quite some time.

It was decided that we wouldn't do it until later, when we could read up on it a bit or receive help from friends more acquainted with the dark rooms.

While I was at work, the day after the shoot, we thought that we should just go for it. James and Faysal went into uni and did a great job in the dark room and printing. After I finished work they showed me the prints and I am very happy with the way that they have turned out. I am kind of dissapointed that I didn't get to do it with them as I would have liked to have got involved in the dark rooms. It is, however, important we get this stuff done so it is out of the way in time for building and because I work two days a week it is unavoidable that I will miss out on some things.