Super 8 shoot 2

Me and Faysal set out on a days shooting people in groups of three. We had the idea to just pick people we see in groups of three whilst we wander around the local area. It was supposed to feel slightly awkward, with the subjects looking directly in the camera, like in a still photograph, but moving. This was to allow the method of scratching out the middle person to become simpler and also was for subtlety, to avoid overwhelming the spectator in our installation with loads of moving imagery.

To our suprise, not many groups of three were to be found! We got a few people, some kids, professional types on lunch break, that sort of thing. But the most successful was probably of three butchers. We may chop these up or leave just one of them as the loop. We decided however, that we should postpone handing in the footage for a week as it gives us time to gather more shots in this way.

I later discovered an old english folk story about three butchers  who decide to fight of some rapists in order to rescue a woman. It involves the two butchers wanting to run away, whilst the third insists on fighting but is rewarded by the woman stabbing him to death. Perhaps this is the ill fated one? However, a nice reference to the kind of 'old wives tales' and superstitious beliefs that this shoot is dealing with.