Further Emails: Tower Hamlets

Hi Andy,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. It's tricky to guarantee use of any empty spaces in the borough as the management of such spaces isn't really within our remit.Additionally, Tower Hamlets was not one of the boroughs that received funding from central government to support empty shops schemes which makes moving forward with the whole 'empty spaces' agenda a little more difficult. However, you could try contacting Toks Osibogun, the head of Corporate Property Services. If you identify an empty building that you are interested in, Corporate Property Services may be able to help order to ascertain whether it is owned by the council with a view to obtaining permission either from the private owner, or from the facilities management team (possibly). There may however, be health and safety implications which make this impossible without taking up a proper lease (should this be a viable option).

There is one potential space, the old Peugot showroom on Mile End Road, which may be available, depending on when you wanted it, for how long, and what your budget is. Other suggestions include contacting the Live Art Development Agency for their advice, contacting Toynbee Hall, contacting the Head of Performing Arts at Queen Mary University (via the switchboard), and looking at the venues section on our own website (see below).

We are logging details of all proposals/empty space enquiries as this is an agenda we are interesting in pursuing and supporting. If you do manage to secure a venue, please keep us informed as we would be delighted to help profile any arts-based activities and exhibitions in the listing pages of our website, www.towerhamletsarts.org.uk.



The Peugot showroom will probably be a little too modern but we intend to check it out