Wimbledon Car Boot

Went to Wimbledon Car Boot in search for materials. We found quite a lot of great stuff!

Fishing Reels

These could be used as pulley systems in the machines, with motors attached to them to enable movement. This would fit with the intended DIY aesthetic.


Bag of Tools

These are going to be useful in both the building of the piece and in the appearance of a workshop in the finalised installation.

Valve Radio/Amplifier

Perhaps the most interesting find was this radio/amp. We got it on the cheap and thought it would be worth a shot, half way round the boot fair we were approached by an eccentric old chap who really seemed to know his stuff. He said it looked in great condition, despite the battered exterior and it should work well...in his words 'attach a pair of big cabinet speakers and you'l hear it in your bollocks rather than your teeth!'. Sounds great!