The Shoot

The shoot went really well and we shot 4 rolls of 110, just under a minutes worth of super 8 and a few rolls of slide/black and white 35mm stills.

In the morning we got to Uni about an hour before all the actors were due to arrive. A room was booked so we used it to lay out costumes and had a small selection of sandwiches for the actors. We had to start early as Dave Turner needed to be away by 12. When he turned up we were ready to go, which meant he wasn't waiting around and we got straight to it.

In costume everyone looked great, Faysal took control of Tin Foil hatting people whilst I discussed with Dave and the actors the shot we needed and James set up the camera positions. The super-8 shoot was a collaborative process between us all with James and Faysal manning the camera whilst I directed the actors. Whoever wasn't on camera, got in shot, face down as background filler. After the initial super 8 shot, Faysal and James shot some black and white 35mm of the same scene.

Once this was done, me and James took control of the 110 cameras, setting up scenarios with the actors and taking snapshot style pictures of them, choosing our camera positions in an intentionally amatuer style. During this time, Faysal was taking slide photographs also. We tried to make this an improvised situation so it could seem natural and authentic.

I am eagerly anticipating seeing the film developed!